AGR3000 - Agriculture Safety

Prerequisite for Green Certificate

In this course you will recognize and assess the hazards and learn about managing the risks of working in an agricultural environment. You will identify community resources that may be available to you to ensure that you develop safety awareness, and learn about ways to ensure your workplace is a safe environment to work in.

AGR3000 - Agriculture Safety has been developed and designed by the Job Safety Skills Society as a credentialed safety course. Students are introduced to essential health and safety principles and practices that enable them to develop the necessary skills and positive attitude for everyday safe and healthy work/life activities... at home, on the job and in their community.

The JobSafe Program is designed to:

The JobSafe Program is developed by professionals with first-hand knowledge in health and safety issues, principles and practice.

AGR 3000 is a mandatory Alberta Education prerequisite course for all Alberta high school students wanting to participate in the Green Certificate Program. AGR3000 is about workplace safety systems and upon completion students will receive one credit.

Criteria for registration in the AGR3000 course is as follows:

For Further Information